
Pap Awareness Week
Regular Pap smears are still the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer. In fact, if every eligible woman had regular Pap smears, up to 90% of cervical cancer could be prevented.

You’ll find all the information you need right here about Pap smears, HPV and cervical cancer, and you can book an appointment online.

The ultimate goal of Pap Awareness Week is to empower women to take care of their health, which includes having regular Pap smears. Pap smears save lives!

The 2016 Pap Awareness Week campaign focuses on an exciting online campaign to share with the women in your life. You can help to remind them about the importance of having a regular Pap smear in the prevention of cervical cancer.

These resources are kindly provided by SA Health, SA Cervix Screening Program
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